Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 21st: extra February outing!

Hi Young Nats!

In case you weren’t able to be there for the extra outing this past Saturday, here’s what went on...

Ontario Nature invited our Young Naturalists to a special outing they sponsored for us along with the Guelph YN at Shade’s Mill Conservation Area in Cambridge. Since there wasn’t enough snow for our original plan of snowshoeing, we got to try our hand at orienteering. Wendy, one of the interpreters at Shade’s, taught us basic use of a compass. Then, families headed off into the wilds with only a compass, list of coordinates and a map of the conservation area. We worked hard to walk in exactly the right direction so we could find the -- sometimes well-hidden -- white and orange signs with secret symbols. My group had to back-track a few times but that was part of the fun. I guess our outdoor adventure skills aren’t too bad though, since all the groups made it back to the nature centre!

There were 6 families and 3 leaders from the KW YN. Ann and Tamara, leaders of the Guelph YN were both there. Unfortunately, none of the Guelph families were able to attend but we were very excited about the great ideas we have for getting the two clubs together in the future. Keep your ears open for cool events next year!

KW Young Naturalists would like to thank Clare and Ontario Nature, KW Field Naturalists, Guelph Field Naturalists and Wendy from the GRCA for a great afternoon!



And thanks Marg, for writing this post for us!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

extra February outing - please RSVP!

Just a quick reminder about our extra outing this weekend! I sent out an email with details and a map, but if you haven't received the information please let me know and I will get it to you as soon as possible.

If you know you're coming, please try to let me know so that I can get the numbers to the organizers, so we have enough equipment. Remember to dress warmly and be prepared in case we can't go snowshoeing to be doing other cool (pun intended) activities! Otherwise, you don't need to bring anything along except yourselves.