Thursday, November 25, 2010

Young Naturalists on Nov. 27, 2011

The last Young Naturalist program of the year is this Saturday. We will be looking for signs of fall so dress for the weather.

A brochure for next year's programs will be given out Saturday. Mark these dates on your calendar.

January 29, 2011
February 26, 2011
March 26, 2011
April 30, 2011
May 28, 2011

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Young Naturalists Program for Fall 2010

The brochure for the KWFN Young Naturalists went in the mail last Tuesday. Everyone who was registered with the program last year should have received one by now.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

chickadee feeding photos

Kristina took these wonderful photos at our last meeting of the chickadee feeding. Thanks so much Kristina!

Just a reminder to others with cameras: If you have photos you would like me to put up on the blog to share with the rest of the group, please send them to me. If you send them as a JPG that is easiest. I know I never managed to get the photos from our digital photo day up. I'm still working on that, believe it or not, now that I've managed to figure out a way to protect them.

The images on this site are protected under a Creative Commons license, which you can read more about if you scroll down and click on the link at the bottom of the blog. This means that others are free to use them, but they must attribute the photo correctly, and the images can't be sold or changed. It is an honour system, but the CC licenses tend to be as well-respected as we can get on the Internet without putting writing right on the photos.

Finally, if you have a photo that includes someone else's children, and if they are identifiable in the photo, I'd like you to make sure that the other parent/guardian is aware and amenable to the photo being posted online before sending the photo to me. Thanks!

January 2010 sightings

Just a quick reminder: our special full-day extra event is this weekend! So hope to see everyone there. Please remember to bring lunches, warm clothes, and a mug for hot chocolate.

And without further ado, our sightings from last month's meeting (a fabulous winter list):

  • snowy owls
  • crows
  • red-tailed hawk
  • American bald eagle
  • winter crane flies
  • spiders
  • coyote
  • hawk
  • deer
  • screech owl
  • great horned owl
  • cooper's hawk
  • sharp-shinned hawk
  • long-eared owl (roadkill)
  • red-bellied woodpecker
  • pileated woodpecker
  • downy woodpecker
  • hairy woodpecker
  • midges
  • wild turkeys
Awesome work, Young Naturalists! Keep your eyes open as spring starts creeping up on us!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

big plans for January and February!

Happy new year, everyone! Today is a beautiful sunny, wintery day and I hope everyone's getting a chance to spend at least a little of it outside. Even if it is just for shoveling.

A couple of important notes:

  1. Our next meeting is coming up on January 30 at 10am. Hope to see everyone there, especially since Gabe Camozzi from Ontario Nature is going to be joining us. He'll be telling us about the planned Youth Summit on Biodiversity, the Youth Writing and Art Contest (check out the link! it's very cool for Grade 7 and 8 students) and other opportunities for young naturalists to get involved. Because Gabe will also be talking about opportunities for kids who are 12 and older, please invite and bring along any nature-loving teens you know who would be interested. We'll all be going outside for some wintery fun, so dress warmly!
  2. Again, courtesy of Ontario Nature, there's a big activity day planned for Saturday, February 20, hopefully located at the Valens Conservation Area. Guelph Junior Naturalists and Hamilton Junior Naturalists will also be there, and some of the proposed activities include: snowshoeing, animal tracking, shelter building, and maybe even ice fishing. This is a fabulous opportunity to visit a new natural area, meet some great young naturalists, and to get to do some activities we might not be able to do at Laurel Creek. Please RSVP via comments or email to Kiirstin. If you have any questions, let me know or ask Gabe at the meeting on the 30th!
Looking forward to seeing everyone, with your December and January sightings, on Saturday, January 30!