Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 26th - Program information

Birding, bees and bugs! Springtime is a very active time of the year for these animals! Come and explore their habitats and watch them in action as they call, buzz, patrol, preen, and pair off! We will use binoculars, nets and other equipment to study whoever decides to put on a show for us!

See you there!

April 28th - recap

Wow, I was sending out the reminder for the next meeting and realised I didn't recap the previous one!
Time sure does fly!

Today we sampled some of the edible outdoors.
We started with some violets and wild rice that Karen had brought in for us. After doing an exercise with some field guides, we went out to see what we could find.

Here are some photos from our walk:
Note: They are not plants we ate :)