I can't believe it's that time again. We're getting revved up for our first KW Field Naturalists' Young Naturalists meeting in a week and a half, and it's one I'm really excited about for more reasons than one!
Everyone on our snail mail list should have received this year's events brochure by now. If you haven't, I'll post a summary of our plans for this year here, but please get in touch with Pat (via comment here, if you don't have her email or phone number) to get your full copy.
Steve Patterson, aka The Flying Squirrel Guy, will let us into the wonderful world of Canada’s native flying squirrels! This is a joint meeting with the Guelph Young Naturalists. Be prepared for an evening hike.
This will be our Fall Bird Count meeting! Bring binoculars if you have them, and be prepared to spot and identify as many birds as you can.
Still to be decided... (If you have anything you really want to do, let us know!)
One of the January or February meeting will be a snowshoe trek, but we'll have to wait on the snow.
Still to be decided... (If you have anything you really want to do, let us know!)
Maple syrup time! We’ll be meeting at the sugar bush and sugar shack just around the corner from the Nature Centre.
Spring is sprung, and so are the spring wildflowers. We’ll go on a field trip to one of the many beautiful natural parks in K-W. This spot has beautiful trails, lots of wildlife (a great horned owl nesting site and a beaver dam, among others!) and amazing displays of spring wildflowers.
Bring your rubber boots and a sense of adventure – we’ll be testing the waters the creek to find and study the creatures that live there! We’re also going to provide a bbq lunch for an end-of-year celebration.
See everyone in a couple of weeks, ready to meet some squirrels! Bring your registration forms along, but if you don't have one, just show up and we'll make sure we have a few extras. Bring some friends, too! There's lots of room in the program for more people this year.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Blog for Vultures

This isn't the post about the schedule. That's upcoming. We're going to have one, never fear! No, this is a post about International Vulture Awareness Day. Did you know there was one? Because there is! I've written a little piece about my love of turkey vultures over at my other blog, so I thought I would link to it here. Enjoy!
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