Sunday, November 18, 2012

Upcoming program information - November 24th

Flying Squirrels and Forest Ecology
Join naturalist and flying squirrel expert Steve Patterson as he sheds light upon these fascinating nocturnal forest-dwellers.  Marvel at his furry ambassador of forest health, flying squirrel Scooter!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

October program summary

It was a cool and rainy day, but that didn't stop us from exploring!

And what fun they had with these:
Look at all the different things we collected:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Upcoming program - Oct 27


See you on Saturday when we learn about seeds, spores and go on a fall mushroom hike!

Program information:This is the time of year when plants are closing down, dying back, and sending out seeds for next year. We will take a hike to explore these interesting processes, collect some seeds and hopefully enjoy some good fall weather! Discover what sort of seed packages plants produce and how they disperse them.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

September meeting

We had a beautiful day for our first meeting of the year. It was great to have everyone join us for our insect hunt!
We caught the following:
Pink-edged sulphur butterfly
Cabbage white butterfly
Viceroy butterfly
Buckeye butterfly
Meadowhawk butterfly
Spreadwing (damselfly)
Praying mantis
Tussock moth caterpillar
Wolleybear caterpillar (Isabella moth)
milkweed bug


See you all next month when we hunt for seeds and go on a fall mushroom hike.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Young Nats 2012-2013


Registration is open!
The program information has been updated on the KWFN website. The membership form is also available on the website.

Have a great day!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 26th - Program information

Birding, bees and bugs! Springtime is a very active time of the year for these animals! Come and explore their habitats and watch them in action as they call, buzz, patrol, preen, and pair off! We will use binoculars, nets and other equipment to study whoever decides to put on a show for us!

See you there!

April 28th - recap

Wow, I was sending out the reminder for the next meeting and realised I didn't recap the previous one!
Time sure does fly!

Today we sampled some of the edible outdoors.
We started with some violets and wild rice that Karen had brought in for us. After doing an exercise with some field guides, we went out to see what we could find.

Here are some photos from our walk:
Note: They are not plants we ate :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Next meeting - Saturday April 28th

Learn about all the edible (and not so edible) plants that grow in our forests and wetlands. Sample some cedar tea or wild leeks, or whatever we find at hand!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

March meeting recap

There wasn't any sap running, so we didn't get to watch maple syrup being made. We did get to learn all about the history of making maple syrup. We also did some activities like tapping a 'tree' and got to sample some different types of syrup.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

March meeting information

Please note the change in meeting location!!

Hello Young Naturalists! This month's meeting will take place at the sugar shack just off of Laurelwood Drive before you get to the Nature Centre. It is located about 200m in from the intersection of Fischer Hallman and Laurelwood Dr (near the new YMCA/library) and before you get to the roundabout to turn onto Beaver Creek Rd. Look for the maintenance yard (lots of RV storage) on the right hand side and drive in and park. The sugar shack is located at the back of all the RV's.

We will learn how maple syrup is produced, see some displays, play a game or two and do some taste testing of sweet things.... Unfortunately, because of the warm weather, the sap has stopped flowing so we won't be able to collect any or see the evaporator steam away! On the plus side, it should be warmer than in past years.... :-)

I will bring along the journals and photos so we can update them at the end of the program.

See you then!


Have a great week~

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

February meeting highlights!

We got lucky again in February - it snowed the night before our meeting!! With a bit of snow on the ground, we seized the opportunity to put on the snow shoes for our walk to the forest.
We used tarps and sticks to build some temporary winter shelters.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Upcoming meeting information

February 25, 2012
Learn some outdoor survival skills and build a temporary shelter in the forest! Learn about winter ecology and how animals and plants survive the winter months.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January 28, 2012

What a beautiful snowy, winter day we had for our meeting today. We haven't had much snow this winter, so it was nice to finally see some of the white fluffy flakes!Today we made some fire starters. We each made one for the LCNC and one to take home. We'll get to use one of these next month when we learn about winter survival!

After reviewing how to identify winter tracks, we headed outside to see if we could identify any animal tracks in the snow. We saw dog tracks, squirrel tracks and bird tracks.
On our hike we saw a muskrat feeding at the creek! Not the best photo, but you can see a furry animal! After our hike we stopped at the feeders to feed the chickadees.

And as usual, we took our monthly pond photo, which can be viewed here.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Next program - January 28th.

Greetings everyone!!

Our next program is coming up on January 28th. Let's hope for some snow!

Chase away those mid-winter blues and don a pair of snowshoes for a trek through the trails of Laurel Creek! If weather does not permit, we will do a winter hike instead.

See you there!