Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October program

All right everyone! Hope you're ready for a spectacular fall weekend. We'll be out taking photographs of fall colours and possibly fall critters.

This means you need to remember to:
  • bring along a camera if you have one -- digital or film
  • dress for the weather!
If it's raining, we won't be out destroying our cameras in the wet, but your intrepid leaders will make sure that there are plenty of interesting things indoors for photographing.

I'd like to try to have my own laptop there so that we can see some of the photos we've taken on a larger screen, but I'd like most of our time to be spent actually taking photos. I would really like to put some of your photos up here on the blog, and maybe even show them to the adult club in January!

If you don't have a camera of your own, we are going to try to have a few extras along with us to share.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!

Just a reminder: I'll have a sign-up sheet for November's trip to Wings of Paradise. I need to know how many people are coming so that I can let Wings of Paradise know, and so that I can make sure I have the correct funds!

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