Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April program

All right! On Saturday we'll be having our next-to-last meeting for the year. And I won't be there! But you guys will get to have lots of fun with Marg, Heather, Pat, and Tigan and Kristina.

April's a great month to play catch up on some of the things we've been wanting to do -- like owl pellets, and visiting the pond. I believe that you guys will also get to be the second group ever to attempt the brand-new Treesure Hunt. Should be fun!

Remember to bring your sightings -- we should be getting some pretty spectacular creatures now that spring migration is going full steam ahead. I've seen bluebirds and kingfishers, great blue herons, turtles, garter snakes, and lots more this month.

So remember: 10am at the nature centre. Dress for the weather, although it is supposed to be sunny and very warm so you should be good! I am still working out details for May's outing -- our final outing of the year -- which if all goes well will be for us to get a private bird-banding demonstration at rare Charitable Research Reserve on May 30. Will let everyone know as soon as I've got details confirmed.

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